Lock Assy, Fuel Li

The 77232GBL772 Lock Assy, Fuel Li can be ordered. Fits Honda. 77232-GBL-772 is the manufacturercode.

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LOCK ASSY, FUEL LI 77232GBL772, for Honda
Lock Assy, Fuel Li
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If you are serious about returning your little classic Honda back to perfect originality, then this item should be added to your shopping cart. Repairing the fuel cap lock is hardly worth the trouble when a new one can be purchased for so little.
It costs very little but adds so much to the resulting makeover.

  • Top quality, OE part and perfect in all respects.
  • Check out the schematic for your model and see our other superb OEM, NOS and none-OE parts.

  • fits models

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