The 4V58252000 Light Switch AssyView linked machines. 4V5-82520-00-00 is the manufacturercode.
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The Light Switch Assy appears in these Ty350 Trials 1985 (f) Usa Canada parts lists:
BAND, SWITCH CORD | 4378393601
| 44H8252700
| 44H8259000
PLUG CAP ASSY | 81E8237020
If you want to discuss this LIGHT SWITCH ASSY, please go the forum and post a message.For questions about Yamaha Ty350 Trials 1985 (f) Usa Canada, please write a message in the forum.
posts from the Yamaha TY350 TRIALS 1985 (F) USA CANADA forum
ty350n yamaha trials,1985
hi,could someone please tell me the correct crankcase oil and gas mix for this animal,lol
Posts from the Yamaha LIGHT SWITCH ASSY forum
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