Screw, Pan Head (7h3) Dt400 1975 Usa

The 9858005016 Screw, Pan Head (7h3) can be ordered. View linked machines. 98580-05016-00 is the manufacturercode. This product is rated 5.0 stars!

Screw, Pan Head (7h3) photo
DT400 1975 USA SCREW, PAN HEAD (7H3) 9858005016, for Yamaha
Screw, Pan Head (7h3) Dt400 1975 Usa
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this product is superseded by 9788505016


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When carrying out carburettor refurbishment it is always easier to use brand new screws with fresh threads and of course a fresh appearance helping the visual appeal as well as ease of assembly.

  • Renew as many screws as you can afford for a better-looking carburettor!

  • fits models

    customers also bought

    customer reviews

    here is how people rated the Dt400 1975 Usa Screw, Pan Head (7h3).

    0 visitor(s) voted a customer review about the SCREW, PAN HEAD (7H3) to be helpful. Of the total 0 vote(s), there was/were 0 vote(s) recorded that did not find a customer review not be helpful.

    5 Stars (1 x):
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    write a customer review

    0 of 0 voters found the following customer review helpful:


    reviewer: Paul Davis

    (5 Stars) - Friday, September 02, 2022
    Top quality item

    where used

    The Screw, Pan Head (7h3) appears in these Dt400 1975 Usa parts lists:

    Small Image Of Oil Pump 250b c - 400b c

    also in this parts list

    OIL SEAL (J10) | 9310110090
    | 5001310101
    METAL, WORM SHAFT OUTER | 1E71317600
    | 3631317500
    SHIM,PLUNGER | 137131370003


    If you want to discuss this SCREW, PAN HEAD (7H3), please go the forum and post a message.For questions about Yamaha Dt400 1975 Usa, please write a message in the forum.

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