Cap(od:14) T305 Tc305 1969 Usa (e03)

The 0925009001 Cap(od:14) can be ordered. View linked machines. 09250-09001 is the manufacturercode. This product is rated 5.0 stars!

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T305 TC305 1969 USA (E03) CAP(OD:14) 0925009001, for Suzuki
Cap(od:14) T305 Tc305 1969 Usa (e03)
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this product is superseded by 5652423K00


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customer reviews

here is how people rated the T305 Tc305 1969 Usa (e03) Cap(od:14).

1 visitor(s) voted a customer review about the CAP(OD:14) to be helpful. Of the total 1 vote(s), there was/were 0 vote(s) recorded that did not find a customer review not be helpful.

5 Stars (1 x):
4 Stars (0 x):
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write a customer review

1 of 1 voters found the following customer review helpful:

Frame Plugs

reviewer: Martin Tuohy

(5 Stars) - Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Excellent fit for my Suzuki GT185. Thank you.

where used

The Cap(od:14) appears in these T305 Tc305 1969 Usa (e03) parts lists:

Small Image Of Frame-frame Left Cover-oil Tank

also in this parts list

GASKET(6.2X11X1).2 (NAS) | 0916806004
| 0928023001
GASKET(5X9.5X1) (NAS) | 0916805001
UNION BOLT | 0936006003
WASHER(6.5X18X1.6) | 0916006084


If you want to discuss this CAP(OD:14), please go the forum and post a message.For questions about Suzuki T305 Tc305 1969 Usa (e03), please write a message in the forum.

T305 Tc305 1969 Usa (e03) forum

posts from the Suzuki T305 TC305 1969 USA (E03) forum

Tire Pump - Tyre Pump
For a restoration project I am searching for an original Suzuki T305, T250, T350 tire pump that wa..

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