Piston Kit (1.00) (non O.e. Alternative)

The 06135312000P Piston Kit (1.00) (non O.e. Alternative) can be ordered. Fits Honda. 06135-312-000P is the manufacturercode. This product is rated 4.5 stars!

Piston Kit (1.00) (non O.e. Alternative) photo
PISTON KIT (1.00) (NON O.E. ALTERNATIVE) 06135312000P, for Honda
Piston Kit (1.00) (non O.e. Alternative)
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High quality piston kit . We have these pistons produced to top Japanese quality standards and specification. The piston is the 'heart' of your engine and using cheaper and lower quality alternatives can and often does result in catastrophic engine failure. Do you want to take that chance
  • Made to Japanese quality standards and specification
  • Very high quality for a relatively low price
  • Helps guard against expensive engine failures that can occur when using sub standard parts
  • 1.00mm oversize

  • fits models

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    customer reviews

    here is how people rated the Piston Kit (1.00) (non O.e. Alternative).

    1 visitor(s) voted a customer review about the PISTON KIT (1.00) (NON O.E. ALTERNATIVE) to be helpful. Of the total 2 vote(s), there was/were 1 vote(s) recorded that did not find a customer review not be helpful.

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    1 of 2 voters found the following customer review helpful:

    Good Choice for Replacement

    reviewer: Thomas Mnich

    (5 Stars) - Monday, July 05, 2010
    This piston kit is a good replacement for the original piston as it's now 10000km correctly working. It's really true in size.

    0 of 0 voters found the following customer review helpful:

    honda cb 350k 1.00m over piston kit

    reviewer: Christopher Slavin

    (4 Stars) - Sunday, June 01, 2014
    Fitted to bike in total top end rebuild bike running good with them. P.S. please make sure you get correct piston to bore clearances VE


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    info diameter
    what is the diameter of the piston?

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