The Secondary gear & prop-shaft assembly delivers prodigious torque from the gearbox to the back wheel. A little wear & tear could be reasonably expected over years of use. When the time comes to refurbish this essential transmitter of power, the more parts that can be renewed the better and more durable the refurbished assembly will prove to be - even a worn 2 euro washer could be vital!
Other prop-shaft replacement parts you may wish to consider:
Add as many components as you wish to the same shopping cart, new final drive gear 2731124A03 bearings 09262280230926320062 for example, and still only pay the same single fixed price shipping cost.
Recommended gasket sealant 08C70K0234M.
This component will probably have other, sometimes unrelated, applications within the Suzuki model range. So always check by the part-number rather than the description.