If the bodywork and/or lighting is showing signs of damage and general wear & tear, given the machines primary role is that of city commuter, that is not entirely unexpected?
Perhaps you may wish to tidy it up a little?
We deliver essential spares quickly, economically and reliably to over sixty countries offering only top quality components at affordable prices.
More bodywork/lighting related items you may wish to consider:
Take full advantage of our online schematic to get the parts you need and of course the right quantities of those parts.
Add as many components as you wish to the same shopping cart, new bodywork retention fasteners 9011106X239016705X019011104X029016705X02 for example, and still only pay the same single fixed price shipping cost.
This component may have other, sometimes unrelated applications, within the Yamaha model range, so please always check by the part-number rather than the description prior to ordering.