In terms of engines, the American adage that there is "no substitute for cubes" is very apt for the 1299cc Hayabusa. Also, the rule of KISS applies - "keep it simple stupid".
At launch in 1999, the Hayabusa caused a real stir in the bike world and put suzuki back on the front pages. Not only “the world’s fastest production motorcycle” at the time, but also one that purposely divided opinion. Some saw it as its creator, Koji Yoshiura, had hoped; a unique timeless design, while others were disturbed by its “beak-like” front end, accentuated rear seat hump and controversial choice of “bathroom suite” colour options.
What nobody could contest, was the sheer acceleration and top speed of the 129 hp (173 Kw) machine reaching velocities in the region of 310 kph (192 mph). Launched just before the so-called “gentlemen’s agreement” to limit the top speed of motorcycles to 300 kph (186 mph) the suzuki in un-limited form comfortably topped the terminal speed of Honda’s Blackbird while Kawasaki were late to the party with their Ninja ZX-12R and never got a chance to unleash its true potential… even if it exceeded 320 kph in testing...
Of course, this put suzuki in the forefront, and that was always part of the overall strategy. That is why it was called Hayabusa in the first place, as the word means Peregrine falcon in Japan, the worlds fastest bird in a dive to capture its natural prey... Blackbirds!
Appearing initially in 1999 and updated in 2008, the Hayabusa left the suzuki range for a while yet reappeared in 2022 to much public and press acclaim. An original Hayabusa makes good sense as a classic bike with its mix of blistering speed and relative mechanical simplicity. That’s why we stock so many parts for this speedy suzuki.
So, if you have a Hayabusa that needs attention, dive onto the CMSNL web site and simply wait for the parts to fly off our shelves!
issued: Monday, January 20, 2025
updated: Monday, January 20, 2025
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