AN400AZA BURGMAN 2012 (L2) USA (E03)


area code E03 


AN400AZA BURGMAN 2012 (L2) USA (E03)


At 400cc this was Suzuki’s largest scooter at the time of launch in 1998. The Burgman or Skywave, as it was known in Japan forged a whole new scooter customer base, with great style and smooth performance from its well-developed four-valve OHC engine with fully automatic variable transmission.
32hp @ 7600 rpm gave enough power for Motorway as well as inner city commuting duties.

The first models had a 36-mm carburettor but it was replaced with electronic fuel injection in the 2003-year's model. Another advance is a balanced braking system to both wheels helping the machine remain stable on polluted and greasy urban roads.

At the time of writing the ‘Burgman’ range of scooters remain as popular as ever, development leading to ever more sophistication, a million miles away from the smoking frantic two strokes of a couple of decade or so earlier!