Set, Comp. Rocker Arm St70 Dax 1989 (k) France Cmf

The 01443035020 Set, Comp. Rocker Arm can be ordered. View linked machines. 01443-035-020 is the manufacturercode. This product is rated 3.0 stars!

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ST70 DAX 1989 (K) FRANCE CMF SET, COMP. ROCKER ARM 01443035020, for Honda
Set, Comp. Rocker Arm St70 Dax 1989 (k) France Cmf
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this product is superseded by 01443035030


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Check the old rockers very carefully before electing to reuse them - any wear or scoring particularly on the operating surfaces will result in a loss of performance and noisy valve gear!
We would recommend renewing these as a matter of course, to help achieve the best possible results.
These are newly produced items by an engineering company working to Japanese quality control standards - purchase and fit with complete confidence.

  • Don't forget to order all the gaskets you will require when reassembling the engine.
  • Try our pro-workshop gasket seal - 08C70K0234M - for a more professional result!

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    customer reviews

    here is how people rated the St70 Dax 1989 (k) France Cmf Set, Comp. Rocker Arm.

    1 visitor(s) voted a customer review about the SET, COMP. ROCKER ARM to be helpful. Of the total 1 vote(s), there was/were 0 vote(s) recorded that did not find a customer review not be helpful.

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    1 of 1 voters found the following customer review helpful:

    Nice but not the real thing

    reviewer: G Harten

    (3 Stars) - Sunday, November 05, 2017
    These rocker arms are quite good, but when you are a real purist, go and buy original Honda rocker arms. There is a bit of sideway play on these.


    If you want to discuss this SET, COMP. ROCKER ARM, please go the forum and post a message.For questions about Honda St70 Dax 1989 (k) France Cmf, please write a message in the forum.

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