The 31600MV4010 Reg, Rect.assy can be ordered. View linked machines. 31600-MV4-010 is the manufacturercode. This product is rated 5.0 stars!
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here is how people rated the Cb250 Nighthawk 1994 (r) Usa Reg, Rect.assy.
1 visitor(s) voted a customer review about the REG,RECT.ASSY to be helpful. Of the total 1 vote(s), there was/were 0 vote(s) recorded that did not find a customer review not be helpful.
1 of 1 voters found the following customer review helpful:
reviewer: Vanderstraeten Mickael
(5 Stars) - Thursday, June 10, 2010
I burned my battery before noticing the alternator put out almost 19v. After some research I foud the regulator, completely to pieces... So I ordered a new one and I changed the battery while I was at it. No more problems, all is well. So I'm very happy with the product.
J'ai brûlé une batterie avant de m'apercevoir que l'alternateur débitait jusqu'à 19v !! Après recherche, j'ai trouvé le régulateur, il était complètement explosé... J'ai donc commandé un nouveau et également remplacé la batterie. Depuis, plus de problème, tout va bien. Je suis donc très content de ce produit.
0 of 0 voters found the following customer review helpful:
reviewer: Meiresonne Bjorn
(5 Stars) - Friday, October 28, 2011
Good,fast delivery
oe parts and cheaper is great
goede,snelle levering
oe parts en goedkoper is top
The Reg, Rect.assy appears in these Cb250 Nighthawk 1994 (r) Usa parts lists:
CAP ASSY.,NOISE S | 30700KR3600
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