Frequently Asked Questions
On this page, you'll find the most frequently asked questions and solutions. Simply start by clicking an appropriate category from below. Alternatively, you can also start by searching the FAQ. Could not find the answer you were searching for? No worries, we got you covered. Please create a new support ticket and we’ll get back to you.
How to search on our website
How to search parts by using a partnumber
If you want to search a product by using a part number, then simply type in the part number in the designated fields.
You can search by part number in two ways:
- Option 1: type in the complete part number and hit "search"";
- Option 2: you can search by part number, using the model code. For this feature complete the field "Model Code" ( not available for Kawasaki )and hit "search".
When searching by "model code" ( not available for Kawasaki ) , always verify that the product corresponds with your machine. For this, we refer to these FAQ's:
Additional info:
How do I search for a model?
If you know your model type then select from the model list – if you are not sure of your model type, or it is not listed then simply leave it empty.
Next, start typing the model's name. Notice that our website automatically tries to suggest a model name. If any of the suggestions corresponds with your model, then select that model and the website will automatically jump to the correct web page.
Honda > VIN search
For some makes, there is also an opportunity to search using your machines' VIN ( Vehicle Identification Number). Either complete the VIN code or the model name .
If our website does not give any suggestions, then click search and you'll be taken to the results page.
Model Codes
It is also possible to find the parts using the "model code" ( not available for Kawasaki ).
Here are the lists of model codes that we know of:
If you would like to contribute to list of model codes, we welcome you to contact us with this information.