XR250L 1996 (T) USA


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XR250L 1996 (T) USA


This is essentially a “Street Legal” XR250R, and is probably one of the best all round trail-enduros available. The single overhead cam four valve air cooled single is gutsy and potent, and with a six speed box, from the 1982 models onward, and superbly well developed chassis really is an excellent choice for off-road activities, as well as being pretty good on road, especially in super motard form.

Introduced in 1979, evolving beautifully throughout it’s model run, and as we write this is still in production.

Now sporting a liquid cooled engine and alloy frame, and in the competition R model gives an impressive 43bhp @11000 rpm! It is still generally acknowledged as the best Enduro or Super Motard in its class, some might say in any class!