XR125L6 2006 (6) FRANCE / CMF


base name XR125L6
options CMF 
year 2006 
area code
frame type KRHH2 64 
frame range 9C2JD19A06R 6R300001 - 9C2JD19A06R 6R399999
engine type KRHF1 60H 
engine range JC30E 6300001 - JC30E 6399999


XR125L6 2006 (6) FRANCE / CMF


Learner legal enduro, utilising the ‘parts bin’ overhead valve engine, first used in the Honda CG125 back in the late 1970’s. Unlike earlier XR machinery, this was not a competition none road legal type, when introduced in 2003, and with only 11.4 bhp was only ever designed for novice or learner riders. Taken in this context this is a perfectly acceptable machine for the role it was intended, the XR badge more a marketing strategy than a statement of performance! But a marketing strategy that works!