A100-4 1978 (C) GENERAL EXPORT (E01)


area code E01 


A100-4 1978 (C) GENERAL EXPORT (E01)


First introduced in 1966 this slim and elegant single cylinder two stroke developed a healthy 9.3hp @ 7500rpm with the help of a disc valve induction system and was universally popular as a commuter model. Its sporty styling with slim mudguards ad attractive candy colour schemes, available on later models, ensured its ongoing sales success.

The very crisp two stroke delivered strong acceleration and a top speed of 65mph-75mph making this 83kg lightweight ideal for city and out of town commutes. This was one of the finest machines of its type at that time and ran on with styling changes until the late 1970’s.

Strong classic residuals, as with just about every early Suzuki, the 1960’s model types with chrome tank panels being particularly rare, and therefore desirable!